
Our collaborative programme

CETIAT produces collaborative projects for its member manufacturers, the broad guidelines of which have been defined for the 2020-2023 period. These collaborative projects may also involve non-CETIAT member partners.


The collaborative projects are decided by members in ad hoc working groups, that also follow-up their progress.


A contract for the 2020-2023 period was signed by the Minister for Industry, UNICLIMA and CETIAT.

It describes the major topics that should be covered by the collaborative projects:

Energy transition and climate change

  • Improvement of energy efficiency
  • New fuels and new refrigerants
  • Increased use of renewable energy sources

Ambition : Develop HVAC and air handling equipment with lower carbon impact

Well-being and health

  •  Improvement of the indoor environment quality (noise, therma cmfort, indoor air quality)

Ambition : Contribute to the well-being and health of users of HVAC and air handling systems

Industry of the future

  • Energy efficiency of plants and process,
  • Integration of renewable energies
  • Industrial processes : application of innovative technologies, energy recovery, optimised control and management, sensors

Ambition : Contribute to industry decarbonation

Performance assessment

Provide technical support to industrial firms and UNICLIMA in:
  • International, European or national standardisation work
  • Dialogue with governments and certification bodies
  • Define and implement appropriate test and measurement methods

Ambition : Strengthen the relevance of performance assessment methods and tools

Energy metrology

  • Sustain a major Europe-wide role in metrology related to the energy
  • Maintain and improve CETIAT's national standards
  • Draw on European research and innovation projects dedicated to metrology

Ambition : Be the benchmark laboratory in energy metrology


Collaborative projects related to standardisation, regulation, certification, test methods and technological survey are identified and monitored as part of an annual programme by four permanent working groups consisting of manufacturers:
  • Combustion appliances
  • Thermodynamic machines (Cetim-CETIAT joint group)
  • Air filtration, air purification, dust removal, gas scrubbing
  • Ventilation, fans

Needs for collaborative projects other than those covered by the working groups are dealt with through project management groups, which feature industrial members, co-funders and co-contractors. Projects are evaluated by a project committee and launched by the Executive Board.


CETIAT's 2020 collaborative projects are built on a budget of 23,000 man.hours and k€600 in purchasing, 30% of which is dedicated to projects defined by the working groups, 50% to other projects and 20% to the publication of results and programme leadership.